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About the project

Mark and Denise started living on their boat in Keppel Bay in 2014. Both spent a lot of their childhood and youth on Great Keppel Island and in Keppel Bay. Denise then started working in reception at the Hideaway.


From the sale of island maps we raised $100 and thought, what can we do with this money? "Let's help the turtles" Denise suggested. Then the funds increased and it was called, Denise's turtle money.


Soon after Mark & Denise did some travelling to National Park islands and were impressed with the information signage on these islands. They thought how great would it be to have informative and educational signage on GKI (which is not a National Park island).


Eloise and Denise from the Hideaway enjoyed a visit to Quoin Island Turtle Rehabilitation centre. We were very impressed with their operation and the number of turtles from Keppel Bay which they were reabilitating. We decided by supporting them we were helping the turtles.

The decision was finally made to incorporate Keppel Turtle Fund and thanks to our major sponsor GKI Hideaway, we raise funds in our "Turtle shop" in reception.

Plus we have been very priviledged to receive grant funds and sponsorship from Emu Park Community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank (Now Yeppoon and Emu Park), and the Australian Government "Bushfire recovery grant", to assist with our marine Interpretative trail named: GKI Seaway.


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Caring for our turtles, marine life and the reefs in Keppel Bay.

Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

Keppel Turtle Fund aims to build community knowledge, awareness and appreciation of the unique reefs and marine life in Keppel Bay through education.


Within this scope we will work towards encouraging safe practices, care and protection of our turtles, and all of the natural marine environment.


Slogan: "Caring for our turtles and the reef"
Stewards of our Patch. "Keppel Bay"



1. Protection and care of marine turtles along with their nests and hatchlings



1a - Minimise beach & marine debris.

  • Mentor boaties - SLOW DOWN near beaches and reefs - Keep a turtle watch

  • Provide funding to QITRC - excellent care of injured turtles

  • Assist with turtle rescues

  • Work with FBA logging turtle nests, protecting vunerable nests and assessing nest outcomes at end of season

  • Discourage beach fires - increase awareness of effect on turtle nests.



2.   Encourage protection and rehabilitation of Keppel Bay reefs



2a   Promote safe snorkelling activities

  • Mentor boaties about reef anchoring and reef markers

  • Promote GBRMPA - No Fish take - special species that help reef health

  • Encourage sustainable fishing - more fish/healthy reef

  • Meet with State & other gov't bodies - push for more reef markers & protected areas. Pumpkin Passage a priority along with Wreck bay.

  • Encourage sustainable living to help climate change - assist with reef loss from bleaching and heat stress

  • Gain knowledge & information from visiting science & university groups - re coral rehabilitation and growth levels on our Keppel Reefs


FUTURE wish list - webcam back on Monkey beach reef to share beauty of reef and fish/marine life which inturn encourages appreciation and protection.



3.  Encourage increased fish stocks within the bay. Greater number of large breeding fish vital for fish stock levels. Fish stock levels also aid other marine life populations ie dolphin pods.



3a.  Actively promote GBRMPA fishing zones.

  • Promote understanding of the importance of fish nurseries (ie Green Zones)

  • Increased awareness of spearfishing closures in Keppel Bay.

  • Future wish list to increase the current closures to include Big Peninsula as a major snorkelling/tourist destination.



4. Raise awareness of Dugong population around GKI and in Keppel Bay.



4a.  Very small population and due to Dugong mating seasons, gestation periods, mothering of calf for extended terms - population will be very slow to increase.

  • Mentor boaties to SLOW DOWN and keep a dugong watch.

  • Increased awareness of seagrass beds and their importance for dugongs.

  • Learn from visiting science & university groups monitoring the seagrass levels.


AIMS: Education


Marine education is presented via a marine interpretative trail named "GKI Seaway" located on the GKI Hideaway property, Great Keppel Island

GKI-Seaway logo

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